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Augustin (Augie)



Current City

Narragansett, RI, USA

Date of Birth






About Me

I am Augie, French born but I've been living in the US for the last 8 years. I work for myself, and live in Rhode Island, the ocean state that offers a great training ground for triathlon and just being outside.

I found a video on youtube about PatagonMan then found it on Social Media, and I was hook. I had chills just listening to people talk about it and then seeing the scenery. It didn't look like any other races that are on the circuit. Looked like a proper challenge and I realized that I wanted to do something crazy, so I signed up.

How I Discovered Patagonman

My Patagonman Journey

I asked my dad to come be my support crew. That was probably the best idea (right after signing up). It was amazing to share that with him. He lives in France while I live in the US, we did sports together a lot growing up but obviously haven't shared that in a while.
The days before were chill and we enjoyed a few trails around, getting around towns and practicing our broken Spanish.
I wasn't stress on the day, mostly excited. The ferry was cold, very cold, but found a few guys that were not stressed and as excited as I am to chat with and laugh. Tried to look on the side of the boat but realized there was no visibility, it was gonna be fun.
Swim was something else, got lost probably, tried to do my best as sighting, got tapped on by a kayak saying I wasn't going straight (It was all dark for my defense), etc etc but got out of the water in great form, excited and ready to face the bike. I spent almost 8 hours on the bike, the last 3 were awful, this wind is something else. Patagonia makes you realize how powerless you are against nature. And I felt it.
I had a good group of guys found on the trail whom I ran/walked/hiked between KM 10 and 25. After that got my dad and we finished together, I was cold, tired but it was amazing. Everything was great, so happy I crossed the line (which was my main objective), very happy I did sub 15 hours but honestly, I just wanted to finish within the delays.

A Message to Future Competitors

I would advise to anyone who wants to test themselves in a difficult environment to go and do PatagonMan. Everything about before the race, the people you meet, the people making this race something else, and how you feel about yourself once you cross the line. Everything and every sacrifices you'll make to get there is worth it.



Official Race Time




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